Welcome quote


"These hymns have brought cheer in the day of trial; comfort in the time of bereavement; encouragement to live a life of greater devotion to Christ; rebuke to our coldness and oft backslidings; stimulus to enter and continue in sacrificial service for our blessed Lord and Master; and inspiration and guidance in our adoring worship and praise to the Father, through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit!"
- Alfred Gibbs (from 'Hymns: Their Use and Abuse')

Note: The names for tunes indicated are not their formal designations.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Come every soul by sin oppressed

(First line: Come every soul by sin oppressed)

Marilah setiap pendosa,
Lord sungguh be-rahmat,
Pasti Di-a b'ri kau rehat, 
Yakinlah Firman Nya.

Hanya harap pada Di-a!
Harap sekarang!
Dia akan selamat mu!
S'lamat mu s'karang!

Jesus tumpahkan darah Nya,
'Tuk b'ri berkat kaya,
Bawa pendosa ke Tuhan,
Bersih bagai salji.

Jesus: Jalan, Kebenaran,
Tuju pada rehat;
Percaya Nya tanpa lengah,
Kau pasti diberkat.

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