Welcome quote


"These hymns have brought cheer in the day of trial; comfort in the time of bereavement; encouragement to live a life of greater devotion to Christ; rebuke to our coldness and oft backslidings; stimulus to enter and continue in sacrificial service for our blessed Lord and Master; and inspiration and guidance in our adoring worship and praise to the Father, through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit!"
- Alfred Gibbs (from 'Hymns: Their Use and Abuse')

Note: The names for tunes indicated are not their formal designations.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The love that Jesus had for me

(First line: The Love that Jesus had for me, to suffer on the cruel tree)

Tune: His love is more than tongue can tell

Kasih Jesus untuk ku,
Sengsara di kayu salib,
Agar ku boleh ditebu-s,
Tak terkata lidah ku!

KasihNya tidak terhingga!
KasihNya tidak terhingga!
Kasih Jesus untuk ku-
Tak terkata lidah ku!

Kepahitan yang ditanggung,
Mahkota duri dipakai,
Agar aku hidup selamanya,
Tak terkata lidah ku!

Keamanan di dalam Nya,
Merayu di takhta Tuhan,
Merit darah yang berharga-,
Tak terkata lidah ku!

Girang bila di sisi Nya,
Rehat, bebas dari takut,
Harapan dalam Nya cerah, jelas,
Tak terkata lidah Ku!

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