Welcome quote


"These hymns have brought cheer in the day of trial; comfort in the time of bereavement; encouragement to live a life of greater devotion to Christ; rebuke to our coldness and oft backslidings; stimulus to enter and continue in sacrificial service for our blessed Lord and Master; and inspiration and guidance in our adoring worship and praise to the Father, through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit!"
- Alfred Gibbs (from 'Hymns: Their Use and Abuse')

Note: The names for tunes indicated are not their formal designations.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Have you read the story of the cross

(First line: Have you read the story of the cross)

Tune link: "The broken heart" or here (YouTube)

Pernah kau baca c'rita di salib,
Mana Jesus mati;
Mana hutang mu dibayar lunas
Oleh darah harga Nya?

MatiNya pendamaian 'tuk mu,
Mati jadi korban 'tuk mu,
Kasih ind-ah! Ia untuk mu,
MatiNya pendamaian.

Pernah kau baca mahkota duri,
Dipakai dahi Nya?
Doa Nya "Bapa ampuni m'reka
Yang tak sedar buat apa."

Pernah kau baca tentang pencuri,
Yang dis'lamatkan Nya?
Ia kata pada Juruselamat,
"O Lord, ingatlah aku."

Pernah kau baca lafas menang Nya,
"Sudah s'lesai" - 'tuk mu?
Pernah kau kata "T'rima kasih, Lord,

B'ri nyawa Mu untuk ku?"

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