Welcome quote


"These hymns have brought cheer in the day of trial; comfort in the time of bereavement; encouragement to live a life of greater devotion to Christ; rebuke to our coldness and oft backslidings; stimulus to enter and continue in sacrificial service for our blessed Lord and Master; and inspiration and guidance in our adoring worship and praise to the Father, through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit!"
- Alfred Gibbs (from 'Hymns: Their Use and Abuse')

Note: The names for tunes indicated are not their formal designations.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

(First line: Have you trusted Jesus and His saving power?)

T'lah kau dari Jesus dis'lamatkan Nya?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?
Harap dalam kurnia Nya kini juga?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?

Ada kau dicuci 
Darah Domba yang menyucikan?
Jubah kau dah bersih? Bagaikan salji?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?

Berdamping Jurus'lamat ti-ap hari?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?
Rehat dalam Dia yang disalibkan?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?

Pengantin datang, sudah kau sedia?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?
Jiwa mu siap hidup di Rumah indah?
Dicuci dalam darah Domba?

Tinggalkan jubah yang bertompok dosa,
Dan cuci dalam darah Domba,
Ada Mata air 'tuk jiwa cemar,
Cucilah dalam darah Domba. 

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